Why Wolfworthy Isn't Suitable as a Complete Food for Cats

At Wolfworthy, we specialise in high-quality, complete food for dogs. However, we are often asked if our food is suitable for cats. While an occasional nibble won’t harm your cat, Wolfworthy is not suitable as a complete food for cats.

Why Not?

🐶 Dogs are omnivores, meaning they benefit from a mix of meat, vegetables, and fruit.

🐱 Cats are obligate carnivores, requiring a meat-based diet to thrive.

One essential nutrient for cats is taurine, an amino acid vital for heart health, vision, and a strong immune system.

Since Wolfworthy is formulated for dogs, we do not measure taurine levels in our food. It has not been tested for cats, so we cannot guarantee it meets their complete nutritional needs.

What Should You Feed Your Cat?

For their health and wellbeing, we recommend feeding cats a diet specifically designed for them, ensuring they get the essential nutrients they need to thrive.

The Bottom Line

🐕 Wolfworthy is great for dogs - but not for cats.

🐈 Stick to a cat-specific diet to support your feline friend’s unique nutritional needs.

If you have any other questions, feel free to get in touch with us at support@wolfworthy.co.uk! 😊

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