How is Wolfworthy Preserved?

We preserve foods so they stay fresh and last longer. Preserving fresh food is a process centuries-old and involves using methods that inhibit bacteria from growing.

Any fresh food will begin to spoil after a few hours if conditions are right. However, bacteria can only grow under certain circumstances. If it is too cold bacteria can't grow, if there is no moisture it can't grow, too salty, too sugary...

Well known methods of preserving include:

Freezing, drying or dehydrating, canning, salting, preserving with sugar (jams), pickling, using alcohol, fermentation, freeze-drying and vacuum packing.

We use drying. Our food is a cooked, dry food so the moisture content is very low which means it will store well for about 12 months as long as it is stored in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight.

We also include Vitamin E which is a natural preservative. We can confirm we do not use any artificial preservatives in our food.

Do you love the idea of feeding raw but hate the mess, fuss or your dog just won't eat it? Wolfworthy is the dry food alternative to feeding raw. It has the same health benefits but is easy to store, handle and travel with. So you can relax knowing your dog is satisfied, healthy and well-cared for but without all the hassle.

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