There is No Yeast in Wolfworthy
Wolfworthy Original ALS food does not contain yeast.
Why does Wolfworthy help any dog with a yeast infection?
The cause of yeast infections in dogs can be partly attributed to diets high in sugar/starch (eg. Rice, potatoes, wheat,corn etc). Wolfworthy is a high meat, low carb food with no added yeast. We also do not include poor ingredients like rice, maize, white potato or wheat. High starch foods create the ideal environment for the naturally occurring yeast in a dog's body to overgrow. There is a misunderstanding that yeast in dog food contributes to this but that is not the case.
What causes a yeast infection?
The causes of yeast infections in dogs are a subject of ongoing debate due to limited research. However, several well-recognised factors contribute to yeast infections:
- Dietary Issues: Yeast thrives in environments with high sugar/starch content. Foods rich in rice, potatoes, wheat, corn, honey, and corn-syrup can promote yeast growth.
- Hormonal Problems: Conditions like Hypothyroidism, Cushing's Disease, Diabetes Mellitus, and imbalances in Estrogen or Testosterone can lead to yeast infections.
- Certain Breeds: Some dog breeds are more prone to yeast infections, including West Highland White Terriers, Basset Hounds, Cocker Spaniels, Silky Terriers, Australian Terriers, Maltese Terriers, Chihuahuas, Poodles, Shetland Sheepdogs, Lhasa Apsos, and Dachshunds.
- Other Diseases: The presence of other diseases, particularly allergic skin diseases, can increase oil production in the skin, creating a favourable environment for yeast infections.